Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4}. The total number of unordered pairs of disjoint ...
S = {1, 2, 3, 4} has 16 subsets - 1 with zero element, 4 with one element, 6 with two elements, 4 with three elements and 1 with four elements.
We will consider the pairs of elements starting with the empty set and ending with the universal set.
The empty set
The empty set is disjoint with all other sets and also with itself. Hence we get 16 pairs of disjoint subsets.
Singleton sets
We have already considered the relation with the empty set.
Among the sets having only one element, we have 6 pairs of disjoint sets.
Each singleton set is disjoint with 3 sets having two elements. So this gives us a total of 12 pairs of disjoint sets.
Each singleton set is disjoint with 1 set having three elements. So this gives us a total of 4 pairs of disjoint sets.
None of the sets with one element is disjoint with the having four elements.
Sets with two elements
We have already considered the relation with the empty set and the singleton sets.
There are 3 pairs of disjoint sets among the sets having two elements.
None of the sets with two elements is disjoint with sets having three or four elements.
Sets with three elements
We have already considered the relation with the empty set, the singleton sets and the sets with two elements.
None of the sets with three elements is not disjoint with sets having three or four elements.
Sets with four elements
We have already considered the relation with all the other sets.
This set (Universal set) is not disjoint with itself.
So, the total number of pairs of disjoint sets is 16 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 = 41.